January 12, 2021May 12, 2023Colonial America, Colonization & Settlement Jamestown QR Code Scavenger Hunt Review My latest product is a Jamestown QR Code Scavenger Hunt. I’ve created a bunch of these for economics and people love them. […]
November 6, 2020May 12, 2023Colonization & Settlement, Holidays Interactive Thanksgiving Quizzes Here are two ten-question quizzes about Thanksgiving. The first one has fewer adds. Both give feedback explaining wrong answers. The questions on […]
October 23, 2020November 4, 2020Colonization & Settlement, For Students, New Nation Free Interactive Drag and Drop Review Activities I’ve figured out a way to add some drag and drop reviews to my site, and I am SO EXCITED! I’ve already […]
September 1, 2017March 14, 2024American Revolution, Colonial America, Colonization & Settlement, Videos I’m Back! Benjamin Franklin Video and Activities So, I’ve decided to start the blog up again. I don’t have plans to resume the podcast any time soon though, because […]
December 30, 2016June 5, 2023Civil War, Colonial America, Colonization & Settlement, Miscellaneous, National Expansion & Reform, Uncategorized, Western Settlement Maps…They’re Not Just For Geography Did you know that I could once name and locate all of the countries in Africa? Â How many people can say that? […]