February 27, 2025February 27, 2025American Revolution, Assignment Ideas, Civil Rights, Cold War, Colonial America, Colonization & Settlement, Colonization to Civil War, Help for New Teacher, Post-World War II, Presidents, Progressive Era, Reconstruction, Rise of Industrial America, Roaring Twenties, Roaring Twenties and Depression, Vietnam War, Western Settlement, World War I, World War II Two Exciting New Products! Lots of US History Help! I’ve been slaving away behind the scenes to finish something I’ve been working on for a while! The first is a massive […]
November 29, 2023November 3, 2023Presidents, Primary Source, Progressive Era, Teaching Tips Inspiration and Encouragement from Teddy Roosevelt Do you need a little inspiration to keep going? Do your students? I LOVE “The Man in the Arena” speech by Teddy […]
March 4, 2021February 18, 2021Assignment Ideas, Progressive Era, Reconstruction to Present, Rise of Industrial America, Videos Video and Assignment Ideas for Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle This video is a short and sweet summary of how Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle led to changes in the meat-packing industry. […]
March 9, 2018March 4, 2018Inventors, Miscellaneous, Progressive Era, Quiz Interesting Wright Brothers Article Did you know that Neil Armstrong took a piece of the Wright Brothers’ Flyer to the moon!!?? How cool is that! I […]
November 7, 2016October 14, 2016National Expansion & Reform, Progressive Era, Reconstruction to Present, Social Movements Women’s Suffrage Online Quiz I found this 10 question quiz about women’s suffrage that I thought would be an interesting way to start class the day […]