December 5, 2020May 12, 2023Assignment Ideas, Quiz, World War II Pearl Harbor PowerPoint, Interactive Quiz, and Videos In honor of December 7th, I have created a PowerPoint summary of the key points you may want to review with your […]
December 11, 2016December 12, 2016Miscellaneous, World War II Keep Calm and Study History Ummm, how did I not know this?! Â I was researching for one of my TPT products that I’m working on, and I […]
December 7, 2016Holidays, World War II Really Cool Interview with Pearl Harbor Survivor Can you imagine what it would be like to be on the USS Arizona when it was hit? Â Well, the guy in […]
December 6, 2016June 3, 2023Podcast, World War II LTH 015 – Battle of Britain In this episode, I’ll give you tons of free resources to help you teach the Battle of Britain. Â Get a discussion starter, […]
December 2, 2016World War II Short D-Day Quiz What does the “D” stand for in D-day? Â This is a question that you will be asked every year you teach US […]