I’ve been wanting to create this for a while. My Intro to Economics QR Code Scavenger Hunt is a hit. I really wanted to make a QR code activity for the first day of US History but haven’t taken the time to do so. I finally sat down and banged it out this summer. I’ve been doing QR code activities with the students at the co-op where I teach and they LOVE them. In case you don’t know, a QR code is a code that can be scanned using a smartphone or tablet. During one of my QR code activities, students walk around the room searching for hidden QR codes. Once they find a QR code, they scan it with their smartphones or tablets. A QR app on the device (download this ahead of time…most are free) scans the code to reveal a question that the students must answer. Unlike most QR codes you see on various products, my QR codes come up as plain text rather than something that must be accessed via an internet connection. So, you don’t need Internet access to complete this activity. It can be done individually, in pairs, or in groups. These types of activities are great because they get students out of their seats and moving. Check it out at my TPT store. I’m hoping to create more QR code activities that review or present US History content this year on TPT!
Fun First Day Activity for US History