Interesting Hitler Videos

I came across these two videos this week while prepping for a lesson on World War II. I had never seen some of this footage before.

The first video is about Hitler’s battle with Parkinson’s disease. What I love about this video is that it is the first video footage I have ever seen that actually shows him shaking (and trying to hide it, of course). To keep your students involved in the video, ask them to see if they can spot the shaking. (See the video below.)

The second video discusses Hitler’s relationship with his girlfriend/eventual wife Eva Braun. Students are always very interested in learning what kind of woman would date Hitler. I knew a lot about Braun and Hitler already, but this video includes colorized footage of them which makes things seem so much more realistic. Also, this video does a great job of explaining what happened in the final hours of Hitler’s life when he was hiding in his bunker.

I have a bunch more videos that I use/show during World War II. I hope to post a big list of those soon. I’ve just got to add a few more!